Register your wine(s) for the
AWS Eastern PA Amateur Wine Competition
Date: Saturday, July 9, 2022
NOTE: Only use this link to register your amateur wine for the competition. Use the AWS Eastern PA Regional Picnic link to attend the event. You do not need to attend the event to participate in the wine competition.
We are trying an abbreviated and simplified wine competition at our July 9 Regional picnic. The key objective is to allow members who are not judges or are interested in becoming judges to participate. Below are the details for submitting wines:
Please use this link to register your wine. Each entry will require a separate registration. You must submit two bottles for each entry, and include a note as to the type of wine.
You can bring wines to the event if attending, or forward to a Chapter Chair or RVP. Wines will be brown bagged with an index card indicating wine type. There will be notepads at each wine for tasters to indicate their scores (AWS 20 point system). Certified judges will be present with our official AWS scoring sheet for newer members or for any tasters needing help or guidance. This will act as a mentoring session, so to speak, on how to score wines using the AWS method.
Tasting and scoring will last 90 minutes, and top scores will be awarded for red, white, and fruit winners. Certified judges will then select best of show.
Any questions, or those needing help getting wines to the picnic, can call Bob Hale at (610) 703-5483.
(C) 2022 LVAWS"Lehigh Valley AWS" is a private, social, non-profit organization.